Published: Thu, 03/06/25
Updated: Thu, 03/06/25
Hey brother, Have you ever read an advice column question and started to answer it before you read the "e pert's" answer? Believe it or not I did this…
Published: Tue, 03/04/25
Updated: Tue, 03/04/25
Hey brother, I received a challenge today by a long term member in our community. He's been working hard on becoming stronger, more confident and less…
Published: Mon, 03/03/25
Updated: Mon, 03/03/25
Hey brother, Fred was arguing with his wife. Again. He was driving home and thought he would call her to ask if she needed anything from the grocery…
Published: Sat, 03/01/25
Updated: Sat, 03/01/25
Hey brother, It's 6:30am. You've been having some se y dreams...or not. But still you're waking up with that all too familiar hot rush of desire…
Published: Tue, 02/25/25
Updated: Tue, 02/25/25
Hey brother, It's messy, bloody, greasy and gooey. It's done with your bare hands with a bunch of runny ingredients and then the quagmire of…
Published: Tue, 02/25/25
Updated: Thu, 02/27/25
Hey brother, There an old song by Sawyer Brown called "Some Girls Do". I love it! I love the beginning guitar lick. I love the visuals in the video…
Published: Mon, 02/24/25
Updated: Tue, 02/25/25
Hey brother, This video with my horse, Chief, may be the most rela ing thing you'll e perience today. And, as you'll see, the whole freakin' point is…
Published: Sat, 02/22/25
Updated: Sat, 02/22/25
Hey brother, I wish I had a dollar for every time I've been asked, "Hey Steve, what do think about this Red Pill thing?" So I made a video that e…
Published: Fri, 02/21/25
Updated: Fri, 02/21/25
Hey brother, Confidence. It's the number one word men use when they send applications for coaching calls. They want MORE of it. Confidence. Simple…
Published: Thu, 02/20/25
Updated: Thu, 02/20/25
Hey brother, An iety. Uncertainty. Nervous, tense, defensive, guarded...walking on eggshells...ready to fight or flee...not sure which. That's what…