Hey brother,
This video with my horse, Chief, may be the most relaxing thing you'll experience today.
And, as you'll see, the whole freakin' point is that being CALM and DELIBERATE is the path to nearly anything you want to have or do.
You see, most of us get so wrapped up in our daily expectations of what needs to get done, what other people should be doing and what we want to get that we live in a perpetual state of urgency, anxiety and, at
worst...chronic disappointment.
I'm here to tell you from experience that any man who lives in a state of chronic urgency, anxiety or disappointment isn't getting ANYTHING he wants...and I mean ANYTHING.
Even if he gets some crumbs of what he wants, he won't even notice.
So, when men tell me, "I want more intimacy! I want more connection! I want more affection! I want more sex", I quietly nod and prepare to explain to him why that stuff is avoiding him.
And when he asks, "Why can't I find a job?" or "Why don't I have more friends?", I quietly nod and empathize with his frustration.
I once had a coach tell me directly, "Steve, you're just not yet the kind of man who gets those
things." (I wanted to tell him to f*ck off, honestly)
The solution to getting everything we really want is to become the kind of person who gets those things. And this ain't something your dad taught you...I guarantee that.
In this new video, I explain what calm, deliberate and pleased looks, feels and sounds like.
I explain what "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast" really means in a practical sense.
I want this energy to become a NATURAL part of your masculine frame.
I want you to be who you want to be so you can have what you want to have!
This is exactly what
we help you learn and embrace at The Confident Man Ranch Retreat.
We have designed an incredible experiential process that wakes up your masculine
core. And when you do this with great horses and other great men, you actually change your perspective in a few short days!