Red Pill ideology can be applied to practically anything. Just choose to believe in something that makes you feel more powerful and intelligent so you can demonize someone else, expose the "true" oppressor and justify your own unresolved fear and anger.
In other words...act like a victim with a high
While the idea is universal, the current Red Pill craze is mostly focused on heterosexual relationships. And it's mostly about men who have become "enlightened" (the red pill vs. the blue pill) to "reality".
Red Pill "reality" has many
varieties, many guru's, many rules and many followers. In simple terms, the idea is to use various facts about anthropological biology to justify a belief that women, in general, can't be trusted.
Because, as the chosen belief
goes, they have a biological imperative to continually seek to improve their situation, their status and the quality of their chosen mate.
And, if you're not a "high quality man", it's only a matter of time before you find yourself holding a broken heart in one hand and divorce papers in the other while she skips away with a new boyfriend.
That's the stuff cults are made
They feed on fears and insecurities by telling you exactly what to think and what to believe. They give you supporting manifestos and scary stories to keep your attention and help you justify your anxious fears and seething anger.
And they make you feel safe in your anger and resentment by creating huge tribes of men who want the same thing.
Yeah. More fun than a barrel of monkeys! (when toys were good)
Is Red Pill Theory Totally Wrong?
read TONS of Red Pill stuff...different tribes...different guru's.
And SOME of it is useful.
To the extent that the information provides new perspective, fresh insight and fair understanding about how men and women operate in romantic and sexual relationships, it can help a healthy man develop healthy awareness, confidence and compassion for the women in his life.
But...this is rarely the goal of Red Pill ideology.
It's mostly to help you protect yourself from getting screwed and your heart from getting broken by generalizing that most women will end up doing both. And they just can't help it.
How is Goodguys2Greatmen Different?
Number 1: We don't ever tell you WHAT to think or WHAT to
believe. We teach you HOW to think more clearly about your pain, anger and resentment. We teach you HOW to think about your thoughts and how your thinking about those thoughts are at the root of your pain, anger and resentment.
Number 2: We believe a happy, secure, confident man gets that way without knocking anyone else down. We believe that masculine strength and happiness comes from strong and happy masculine
operating principles...not by being a victim of an imaginary oppressor.
Number 3: We believe most women and most men are good...trying to do their best. And when women and men become horrible assholes, it's usually because of some darker crap they aren't even aware of. And you must learn to have compassion for that - not fear.
Number 4: We help you shine a bright, warm light on your own dark crap. This dissolves your fear, anger and resentment. And we're so good at doing this, we've created a tribe of men who have become creators of their own reality...not victims of someone
How about joining
THIS barrel of monkeys?
Want to create a different relationship with the women in your life? Here are some options to get started...