Published: Tue, 12/17/24
Updated: Tue, 12/17/24
Hey brother, Desmond Tutu said: Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. When I tell men to:Quit hoping for a…
Published: Mon, 12/16/24
Updated: Mon, 12/16/24
Hey brother, We get a lot of applications every month from men wanting to talk about their relationship issues. Guess what the #1 question is by far?…
Published: Sat, 12/14/24
Updated: Sun, 12/15/24
Hey brother, I give a lot of advice that seems to make no damn sense. Guys are usually raring to do something...anything... when their wife starts…
Published: Fri, 12/13/24
Updated: Sun, 12/15/24
Hey brother, I've discovered that a LOT of us have real hard time answering a really simple question. Knowing the answer clearly and concisely can be…
Published: Thu, 12/12/24
Updated: Sun, 12/15/24
Hey brother, First, I want to invite you to our group coaching call TODAY, 12th December at 12pm mountain time, the topic of the call is "How to Deal…
Published: Wed, 12/11/24
Updated: Sun, 12/15/24
Hey brother, First, I want to invite you to our group coaching call this Thursday, 12th December at 12pm mountain time, the topic of the call is "How…
Published: Tue, 12/10/24
Updated: Sun, 12/15/24
Hey brother, First, I want to invite you to our group coaching call this Thursday, 12th December at 12pm mountain time, the topic of the call is "How…
Published: Mon, 12/09/24
Updated: Sun, 12/15/24
Hey brother, Today I want to talk to you about the power of knowing the truth. Your MIND can play tricks on you when you believe things are true that…
Published: Sun, 12/08/24
Updated: Sun, 12/08/24
Hey brother, Relationships are like farting. If you push too hard things could get messy real fast. ~ Kevin Hart You know me and my metaphors. I love…
Published: Sat, 12/07/24
Updated: Sat, 12/07/24
Hey brother, “When you get to the end zone, act like you've been there before” ~ Tom Landry, Vince Lombardi or Bear Bryant I've always loved that…