GoodGuys2Great Men

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How To Get Your Wife To Be Affectionate Again

Published: Mon, 12/16/24

Updated: Mon, 12/16/24

Hey brother, We get a lot of applications every month from men wanting to talk about their relationship issues. Guess what the #1 question is by far?…

How To Have A Life That Inspires And Motivates You

Published: Wed, 12/11/24

Updated: Sun, 12/15/24

Hey brother, First, I want to invite you to our group coaching call this Thursday, 12th December at 12pm mountain time, the topic of the call is "How…

How To Stop The Pain From Your Marriage Imploding

Published: Mon, 12/09/24

Updated: Sun, 12/15/24

Hey brother, Today I want to talk to you about the power of knowing the truth. Your MIND can play tricks on you when you believe things are true that…

Why Your "Relationship Farts" Stink Like Divorce

Published: Sun, 12/08/24

Updated: Sun, 12/08/24

Hey brother, Relationships are like farting. If you push too hard things could get messy real fast. ~ Kevin Hart You know me and my metaphors. I love…

How To Maintain A Satisfying Sexual Relationship

Published: Sat, 12/07/24

Updated: Sat, 12/07/24

Hey brother, “When you get to the end zone, act like you've been there before” ~ Tom Landry, Vince Lombardi or Bear Bryant I've always loved that…

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