3 Needy Behaviours That Turn Off Your Wife
Published: Tue, 04/11/23
Hey brother,Warning: This email might sting. I wrote it as if I was sending it to a slightly younger version of myself. This comes from my past. If…
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Published: Tue, 04/11/23
Hey brother,Warning: This email might sting. I wrote it as if I was sending it to a slightly younger version of myself. This comes from my past. If…
Published: Sun, 04/09/23
Hey brother,I'm going to tell you a story. It's a good one. You're probably going to want to read the whole thing to the end. But first... What does…
Published: Sat, 04/08/23
Hey brother,I've talked a lot lately about anger and how badly it can screw up your relationship. You know by now that a pissy, angry guy is doomed to…
Published: Fri, 04/07/23
Hey brother,One way to get unconditional love and affection and to be given god-like status is to pay for it. There are women who make a very good…
Published: Thu, 04/06/23
Hey brother,I'll never forget the words of a ruddy old horse trainer and the look on his client's face when he heard them. The client's horse wouldn't…
Published: Tue, 04/04/23
Hey brother,Get this. Fresh from our trusty news media."Something ominous is happening to men in America. Everyone who pays attention knows that.
Published: Tue, 03/28/23
Hey brother,Here's one fact I know about a man's se life. If he spends much time feeling an ious, agitated, irritated, overwhelmed or angry...he isn't…
Published: Mon, 03/27/23
Hey brother,There's a "chicken and the egg" situation I want to address right here...right now. And this is crucial to HOW YOU THINK about getting…
Published: Sun, 03/26/23
Hey brother,When I say, "lighten up", I'm talking about TWO key ways you can "lighten up" and create more trust, safety and intimacy in your…
Published: Fri, 03/24/23
Hey brother,When conflict and se ual frustration have developed in a relationship, there has been a long history of unhappy feelings and bad behaviour…