GoodGuys2Great Men

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How Do You Know If You're Being Masculine Or Not?

Published: Fri, 09/20/24

Updated: Fri, 09/20/24

Hey brother, Has this kind of mind boggling conversation ever happened to you? Typically, it’s with a woman…but I see it with men all the time too.

The Reason Intimacy Fades In Marriage

Published: Sat, 09/14/24

Updated: Sat, 09/14/24

Hey brother, I'm going to get right to the point. If the intimacy in your marriage is lower than you'd like or non-e istent, there's a fundamental…

The Common Habit That Ruins Marriages

Published: Thu, 09/12/24

Updated: Thu, 09/12/24

Hey brother, Yesterday I sent you a newsletter about stonewalling or the silent treatment as it's often called. Today I want to talk about another…

Don't Ignore This Divorce Warning Sign

Published: Wed, 09/11/24

Updated: Wed, 09/11/24

Hey brother, Why doesn't anyone want to talk about this subtle, sneaky cause of divorce? Because they are STONEWALLING! This is the 3rd predictor of…

Has Your Wife Said You're Always Defensive?

Published: Mon, 09/09/24

Updated: Mon, 09/09/24

Hey brother, I used to think there was nothing scarier or more unpleasant than an angry woman. I grew up with the belief that "If Momma Ain't Happy,…

Why Doesn't My Wife Like Me the Way I Am?

Published: Sun, 09/08/24

Updated: Sun, 09/08/24

Hey brother, One of the most popular complaints I hear from husbands in struggling marriages is this: I just wish my wife would like me for who I am…

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