There's a silly habit couples get into.
They talk about their marriage like they're watching a storm together.
They point out all things wrong with the marriage as if it is an entity separate from their own thoughts and behaviors. They blame the poor "marriage" for stinking up the place.
This is convenient. It's keeps both of them from immediately thinking or doing anything differently at this very moment.
The storm is THEM and they can't see it.
* They exaggerate personal offenses
* They react to their frustrations like teenagers
* They constantly search for what's wrong instead of what's right
* They attack with contemptuous thoughts and react defensively
* They feel so victimized they can't imagine saying or doing one kind or loving thing
* And they give up all their power by blaming the "troubled marriage".
So what's the one simple trick?
Stop it. Just. Stop. It.
You and she will NEVER stop it at the same time.
Somebody has to see what's really happening and change the energy.
You must decide it is YOU who will go first for no other reason than you WANT to. You see the simple, logical and empowering truth in this!
You get to choose your mindset, your mood, your perspective, your words and your all times.
And I promise...
If you do this experiment below starting now, you will have a 51% improvement in your experience of being married tonight.
Why 51%? Simply because YOU decided to go first. You've taken the lead over yourself and, therefore, 51% of the negative energy in your relationship.