"I wish I knew this stuff when I was 30!"
That's one of the most common sentiments we get from men in our community.
I've said it too.
Watching two 50-somethings talk about sex may seem irrelevant to you. But it's the screwing up and finding solutions that bring wisdom.
The KEY THING about learning how to be comfortably vulnerable is knowing who you can trust.
You might make the mistake of thinking you should unleash your sack of dark and scary feelings about sex with your wife.
Yeah. I said it's a mistake.
You might say, I thought I was supposed to be able to be open and honest with my wife?? Isn't that what she wants!!??
No. In this case, it is NOT what she wants. Not right now. (maybe later)
She needs you to figure this out on your own.
She wants to FEEL (not talk about) your transformation.
When you transform from a desperate, frustrated, tentative, angry, eggshell walking man into patient, calm, deliberate, happy, sexually confident man, that's when you will have her full attention.
No words required.
This new you will be the result of you becoming open and honest with other men who have been in your shoes.
It feels safe, strong, welcoming and wise. There is nothing you can say that is wrong, weird, stupid or silly.
Nothing. And this is where a man learns the truth about his old way of being and how it constantly messed up his romantic life.
This is where men learn that the next 30 years of life is going to be pretty flippin' amazing!