As men we totally get that we can support and challenge each other to grow in the world of exercise and work but when it comes to love, to emotions, to being a better lover or father, we get scared.
Men don't reach out for help when their relationships falter.
Mostly we numb the pain with alcohol, exercise, other drugs or porn.
Ask me how I know...
Here at Goodguys2Greatmen we don't f*ck around.
We don't apologise.
We work with men in pain, in fear of losing their marriages, their kids, their jobs and even their lives.
Sometimes there are things you want to say, that you’ve always wanted to say, but you don’t.
You might have a dream in your mind about how you want to become a better lover or challenge your partner into a deeper more passionate relationship…but you’re not saying it out loud.
We play small and avoid looking in the direction of our discomfort.
We let the fear control our potential.
And the sad thing is that most men never do say what they want to say or make the move toward a new future vision.
I'll admit - I needed some high quality men in my life.
I had no idea what that even was...a high quality or initiated
But when you experience a conversation with one of these men, you know it.
They know exactly what you’re going through and they can see what you need.
It’s a difficult edge for us to push though.
Connecting with men.
Really connecting, not just small talk about sports or cars or work.
Talking openly with someone about what you feel and where you’re struggling.
There’s a reason it feels hard.
There’s a reason it feels scary.
That reason is fear.
Fear of rejection.
Fear of being laughed at.
Fear of judgement and criticism.
But the truth is, we all feel that fear.
It's that willingness to show you that I feel the same fear you do, that creates the trust for me to help you through it.
The key to getting through it is connecting with other men.
Great men who’ve got your back.
A man who will be there when you need someone to talk to when you're feeling afraid or anxious.
Who can tell you when you need to back off a little.
Or when you need to lean in more.
Or hold you accountable when you need to push through when everything else is telling you to give up.
A great man can help you understand how to make the very smallest little changes in the way you’re showing up, that will have the biggest impact on your life.
Real change only happens when we push ourselves into the zone of discomfort.
What have you got to lose?
You can stay where you are and hope somebody else changes.
Or you can learn how to know when it’s time to take a stand, speak up and risk pissing other people off.
For that you need support and guidance.
You'll never find that just in a book, video or podcast.
What worked for me is what will work for you.
Spending dedicated time with other initiated men and committing yourself to a process of personal change.
This is how you get the fire back in your belly.
This is how your enthusiasm for life is reborn.
This is how you reignite the passion in your relationship.
We help men do these things every day.
And there’s nothing else we would rather do than to spend some quality time helping you do that.
We end up laughing together more than anything else.
Here's a video of Steve and some of the great men at a recent gathering, supporting, caring for, loving each other....not giving a fuck what anyone else thinks of them: