If you could have a free consultation with one of our coaches, what would you ask?
I remember when I finally decided to reach out and work with Steve years ago, it was a scary, vulnerable moment. I had no idea what would happen.
I only knew that what I had read and heard Steve talk about in his videos and articles had a profound affect on how I felt about me and the possibilities of improving my marriage.
I was in a deep, loving friendship that had lost it's spark and I wanted more but didn't know how to make that happen.
So here's what I asked Steve when I first reached out for help and guidance...
In the next 6 months, what changes do you MOST want to see in your life and relationship?:
- I want my wife to initiate sex again
- I want to take back my masculine power and gently lead the relationship
- I want her to trust me again
- I want my kids to see what a centred 'whole' man is so they can identify that in others or develop it in themselves
- I want to stop quantifying everything i do with the effect it will have on others and what they expect of me
- I want to stop being a pussy
What do you see as your biggest barriers to getting what you want?:
- I struggle not being of service to everyone
- I want to be significant to them
- I want to make sure their lives are secure and as smooth as possible
- I made mistakes in my relationship and now the trust is broken and my wife already liking to control stuff before the trust was broken is now committed to never relinquishing any control and/or opening up
- Basically I have major issues with my programmed beliefs and behaviours which I know I need to change but am struggling with making steps to realise these changes
Yep, I called myself a pussy in my application.
Something needed to change.
I knew I wasn't living to my full potential in my relationship.
It's not that I wasn't confident and successful, in every other area of life I was. Great dad, good husband, made good money doing a job I loved working from home to the hours I chose.
What was missing was something internal.
I couldn't see it.
I knew that I wanted a more passionate, trusting and connected relationship but everything I tried to make it happen seemed to make it worse.
More disconnection.
Less passion.
No trust.
I didn't quite believe that I was able to lead my marriage somewhere new.
I didn't trust myself.
I couldn't be confident in my ability to create intimacy.
I was tentative.
And I f*cking hated that about me.
I needed an elder, a mentor, someone who understood what I'd been living and could show me what I was doing wrong.
It was (and still is) an incredible journey of discovering WHO I really am and HOW I love to be in relationship not just with my romantic partner but with everyone I interact with.
The best gift I ever received was giving myself the permission to reach out and ask for help. It changed everything.
So what would you ask?
What do you need some guidance around?
How can I help you understand where you're making mistakes?
With a free consultation call, there are no risks to you. But a lot that you can gain...
- Come face to face with the part of your personal story that makes you feel small
- Learn how to deal with feedback without getting defensive, feeling shame or embarrassment
- How to be BALLSY when you openly discuss your desires
- Remove people from your life who are holding you back
- Know how to create really great days...all the time
- How to liberate your mind from destructive thoughts that rob you of sleep
- How to never take anything personally again and be a genuinely confident, un-rattled man
- Create closer connections with women that leave them wanting more time with you
So what would you ask?