"What would you do if you felt fearless?”
Seriously...what would you do?
What would you say that you wanted?
Do you even know?
When we first speak to men they often tell us things like: "I'd like to have a marriage that is less volatile" or "I'd like a family that were more supportive and respectful" or of course the biggie - "I don't want to be rejected every time I initiate sex or affection!!"
And we say..."OK, and what else?"
Then we hear things like "I want more quality, connected time with my kids" or "I want to see enthusiasm in her eyes when I get home" or "I want a raise and to be listened to at work."
"OK, and what else...be specific."
THEN we start getting to the REAL stuff.
"I want to be woken up by her taking me into her mouth."
"I want my stomach to hurt from laughing too much."
"I want to sail around the world."
"I want to be proud of who I'm being in the world."
And we say "F*ck yes, I want to help you make that happen."
You see we may be life coaches or mens coaches or masculinity coaches, but really what we are is your guide to becoming a man who happens to the world, not a man who is constantly preparing for the worst so he doesn't get sh*t on again.
What I know and want to explain to you is that your compass is a few degrees out.
You may believe that you just need to find the right approach, the right combination of kindness and love and THEN everyone will respect you and appreciate all that you do for them.
Just today I spoke with a man who told me "I got up early, drove over to her house, cleared her drive of snow" and all she could say was "Why did you pile it there?" I mean c'mon "WTF!"
Yep, his compass needed a little calibration.
I asked him "Why? Why did you do that?"
And that's all the recalibration he needed.
"Because I care and that's what I do for people I care about."
That's it.
Nothing more.
The mistake we make is calibrating to what we DO instead of WHO WE ARE.
An easy way to know if your compass needs some calibration...
Answer this question: Who are you as a man?
If you don't KNOW your answer to that immediately, you need some calibration.
If you're not clear on your WHY's, then you'll be living to other people's REASONS and then left confused as to WHY you aren't feeling proud of yourself EVERY DAY.
We want to meet you in person. We want to help you get that compass calibrated so you KNOW without a seconds doubt what action you want to take in every moment and essentially WHY. Join us at our retreat in the UK in April - Find out more here.
How do you know you're going to live a life filled with happiness, connection, passion and meaning?
We want to spend at least an hour with you, to hear your voice, learn about your dreams, coach you through some of the barriers in front of you and offer you immediate tips to change what you’re dealing with right now.
I guarantee you'll feel a whole lot calmer…stronger…and more relaxed and measured by the end of our talk.
What if this year everything changed for you?
That's what we want for you brother.
Lotta love,
Dan & Steve
P.S. Steve and I now also have 5 certified coaches trained in the GG2GM coaching process. These are senior leaders in our community and powerful coaches around the world who may live right in your timezone. We may match you up with one of these guys with your approval.