What if you had a crystal ball that could tell you the likelihood of you ending up separated or divorced?
This crystal ball doesn't just give you a YES or NO answer, it tells you the 7 key areas where your marriage is healthy...or not.
It tells you what unhealthy and destructive habits look like.
The crystal ball holds a mirror up for you and shows you the stark reality of where you stand right now.
Then it calculates the percentage probability you will wind up separated or divorced within the next 2 years.
That's what my partner, Tim Wade, and I came up with last week.
How accurate is it?
Pretty damn accurate.
Is it really scientifically proven?
No, of course not. But...
We designed the questions around Dr. John Gottman's relationship research (The 4 Horsemen of Divorce) AND combined that with the hundreds of historical data points we've gathered coaching men just like you.
The 7 questions pinpoint the problem areas most associated with marriage and relationship health.
Before you take the quiz, watch my short video explaining why I think this is so important to you and HOW you can start improving your odds within the next 24 hours.