Not giving a shit about her means not caring about her hopes, her dreams, her pains, or her passions.
That would be bad. Agreed?
Now, let’s assume for a minute that YOU have some pretty important hopes and dreams. Let’s assume YOU also have some pain. And let’s assume YOU also have some pretty intense passion for your goals, your values, your hobbies, your family, your wife, your sex life…whatever.
Each day you try to live your life reaching for your dreams. You think about them. You read about them. You talk about them. You learn about them. You dream about them.
You share your ideas and your enthusiasm with those you care about and those who care about you. You take action toward achieving your goals. You stumble. You move on. You are living the life YOU want to live in accordance with the desires that most drive you.
You acknowledge your pain. You openly discuss your feelings and your regrets. You share your emotions without shame because you know they are shaping you, redirecting you, and helping others to really know you.
You are passionate about forward momentum. You love deeply and want to be loved deeply. Your desire to share intimacy of all types is raw, unapologetic, and non-negotiable.
You want to understand the needs of those you love. You give freely of your love and your acceptance of their dreams and passions. You support and affirm them in your words and actions the best way you know how. You believe in them and their value. You expect a long life of mutual support, respect, and sharing of passions.
Everything you say and do makes this expectation exceedingly clear.
You don’t give a shit about what ANYBODY thinks of you and your dreams.
Including your wife.
Why would you?
But many men do. They are deeply affected by how their wife treats them and their dreams. They are easily redirected by sarcasm, cynicism, doubt, and negativity.
They second guess their dreams and their values when others behave in ways that don’t support them.
They allow the threat of disappointment and disapproval to derail them.
The fear of not being loved anymore grips them. The idea of less sex paralyzes them.
They sacrifice their momentum and their energy in the name of compromise.
Compromising their very VALUES. Compromising their very DREAMS. Compromising their PASSIONS.
This is NOT the kind of relationship “compromise” meant by all those books and articles.
This kind of compromise is how a man loses his power – power over himself.
This kind of compromise appears weak and unattractive to the woman in his life and to those he wants in his life.
This kind of compromise can destroy a man’s power to be who he wants to be and will kill her respect for and attraction to him.
Don’t compromise. Don’t lose your power. Don’t give a shit about what she thinks about you.
Choose to love. Choose to attract. Choose to inspire. Choose to lead.
Are you the man you were meant to be? Do you know who that is yet?
If not, it’s time to figure it out. Today.
Not tomorrow.
Really, tomorrow is no good.
A really simple way to get started immediately is to join Steve and I in the Goodguys2Greatmen Live Coaching Roundtable. Click on that link for information and registration. This is a POWERFUL group of smart men who know exactly what you're going through and will give you the support
you're not getting anywhere else.
What if this next year everything changed for you?
That's what we want for you brother.
We love teaching men these tools - how to be better, how to know who you are, what you stand for, what you want and how to CREATE it in your life through our Masculine Confidence coaching programs.
Steve and I are here to guide you on this mission.
If you want to become a man who knows and trusts himself to create the life and love he wants, apply for a free consultation call with me or Steve. We guarantee you'll feel a whole lot better by the end of our talk.
Lotta love brothers,
Dan & Steve