Bottom line: You have the choice of two frames of mind to live in.
1. The frame YOU create for yourself from your values, terms and boundaries.
2. Someone else's frame.
If you are not operating in your chosen frame or don't know what that frame is you will, by default, be operating in someone else's frame.
I want to invite you to FIND YOUR OWN VALUES, TERMS AND BOUNDARIES with me.
It will be one of the most important and most defining moments in your life. This is the way one man in the community put it recently. Read it with his Scottish accent for fun.
"I have felt like a weight has been released off my shoulders....not lifted just released. It’s amasing really... gone are the stomach cramps, the anxiety feelings, hardly sleeping the anger and resentment towards my wife is reducing because of [this work].
I know there is plenty of work to do and I am up for the challenge. Even confidence at work has returned this past few days."
A really simple way to get started immediately is to join me and my colleague, Dan Dore, in the Goodguys2Greatmen Live Coaching Roundtable. Click on that link for information and registration. This is a POWERFUL group of smart men who know exactly what you're going through and will give you
the support you're not getting anywhere else.
And if you want something a little more personal think about joining me at my place in either June or August for my six man camping retreats. There's nothing a like little fire, beer and high quality men to amp up your mojo. And, I'd love to climb some rocks with you!
Lotta love, brother,