How does this apply to conflict with your wife?
I'm hoping that is
self evident.
It is not about being her "daddy". It's about staying in your cool, calm, confident "ninja skin" and stop over-reacting.
You need to be more present and aware of what's REALLY going
This is the critical skill of maintaining composure while standing firm around your principles.
It involves more listening than talking.
Most of requires patience. Mountain Lion patience.
You can do this. You must.
It's your ticket to self-induced happiness and peace of mind.
And it totally changes the dynamic is ALL of your relationships.
If you're ready to finally get the confidence, clarity and skills to move like a ninja in your life and relationship, maybe you should ask for help.
Check out Jeff's website and services if you relate to his story.
"Real men" actually CAN ask for directions. (though I still resist it until it's absolutely necessary!)
You can also go to THIS CONTACT FORM to request your private, one-hour
"Find Your Inner Ninja Consultation" with me or Coach Dan Dore in the UK.
Some guys say this hour is more beneficial than their last 5 marriage counseling sessions.