In the video I explain these two circles. One circle is you and the other circle is your lady.
That shaded football zone is your relationship.
How do you show up there? Do you feel confident,secure and healthy? Do you two openly share feelings and ideas without fear or taking things personally? Is it generally a calm, loving SAFE
Or does it feel scary, frustrating, dark and uncertain? Is there more conflict than conversation? More doubt than adoration? Is it generally a tense, cold and unsafe place?
The fancy words therapists use to talk about this stuff are "codependence", "independence" and "interdependence".
If we want to create a calm, loving and safe interdependent relationship we must learn to become confident, secure and healthy INDEPENDENT men.
Without a healthy frame of independence we
will always look outside of ourselves for well-being. We will beg for attention and affection. And we will be a smothering source of insecurity in our relationships.
That's what co-dependence can feel like. When those circles eclipse each other you become wholly dependent on the other person to make you OKAY. And the
outcome ain't pretty.
Learn more about it this video. I explain what healthy independence looks like and WHY it's so important to a healthy relationship.