The 3 Sure Signs You're Not Ready for a Girlfriend

Published: Sun, 01/07/18


I just got back from a month off from my business and am ready to dive into 2018 with you.

For the first time in my life I decided to STOP DOING STUFF for a month and just practice BEING.

I tried BEING calm and relaxed.  I tried not operating to a schedule.  I tried being quiet and seeing what comes up when I just shut my mouth and listen to my own wisdom.

Don't you hate hearing people talk like that?  It's like they're trying to Obi-Wan Kenobi or something.

Yet, I was drawn to the idea of just slowing down and not being so manic about getting stuff done, making money and paying bills.

So my girlfriend and I went to Maui for almost 2 weeks.
And I pretty much sucked at the Obi-Wan thing.  But I learned something about myself. 

I love what I do and there's not a damn thing wrong with thinking about it.  I just need more practice in letting go of the 24/7 buzz of needing to DO something all the time.

I'm work in progress doing the best I can.  That's a mantra you can borrow.  No need for perfection.  Today I'm doing my best.  Tomorrow is another shot at it.


Speaking of girlfriends, there's something I want to share with you in this video.

I'm seeing a lot of men falling into a huge trap.

This can be a trap if you're married, in an exclusive relationship...or even if you're single.

Having a girlfriend can be a HEALTHY decision or it can be a messy, emotional cry for help.

You can make her the delicious icing on your cake. 

Or you can make her the flour in your cake - the very source of strength, stability and confidence in your life. 

Guess which one I want for you.

Here are the 3 signs you know you're not ready for a girlfriend yet.

If you made a resolution this year to become the strong, confident, courageous, unapologetic and proactive man you know you can be, I've got an invitation for you.

Starting in February I am taking up to TEN MEN through my wildly successful 12 week Masculine Confidence Intensive.

This is a group coaching format you will attend LIVE with me and other great men like you. 

Coaching with me one-on-one is one way to do this work.  But sometimes doing the work with other men at the same time is MORE POWERFUL.  I've done group coaching with my own coach and the brotherhood and support system is unreal.

Another benefit to you is that the investment for group coaching is LESS THAN HALF the rate I charge for one-on-one coaching.

If you're interested in jump starting your year and achieving a level of confidence and assertiveness you've always wanted, this may be perfect for you.

Just a $500 deposit to save your spot.

Click HERE to learn all about it and what it can do for you.

Lotta love, brother,


P.S. I keep hearing from guys who just finished my book saying,  "Holy crap, I wish someone told me this stuff 20 years ago!"  Yeah, me too.  That's why I wrote it.  More here if you're interested.