The Vulcan Mind Trick to Make Her Want More Sex With You

Published: Sun, 10/22/17


I know...outrageous email header, right?

On one hand, yeah, I want to get your attention.

On the other hand, this is not a load of crap.  I know a secret that sabotages sex lives around the world...including mine and yours.

And in this video I'm going to clearly explain what it is.

Then I'm going to tell you why it happens, what you must stop doing today and start doing tomorrow.

Bottom line:  This is all about THOUGHT CONTROL

Early on in your relationship your thoughts were all good, healthy, loving, attractive and very sexy.  Therefore, the way you looked, walked and talked supported the undeniable truth that you were a good, healthy, loving, attractive and sexy man.

And the sex was good.  Intimacy was easy.  Closeness was taken for granted.  She couldn't get enough of you and couldn't stop bragging about you.

Then...things changed.  Your circumstances changed and your THOUGHTS changed.

Then what?

Then you started worrying.  You got frustrated, angry, disappointed and critical.  These negative thoughts were immediately broadcasted for all to see and feel through your face, your body and your voice.

This is one of the biggest reasons why she doesn't want sex.  And you actually have total control over it

I explain more here.  (I also give a surprise hi-tech demo in this video)
I already know your objections.

I had the same ones.

"But what about HER thoughts?!  All I read on her face is disappointment, disgust and rejection.  She wants nothing to do with me.  I think she must hate me."

Back to my horse analogy, brother.

The horse will ALWAYS project that crap when it experiences it from you first.  When a horse feels fear and uncertainty it will always move away with a disgusted look.

And when the horse is seeing fear and uncertainty in the person pursuing her...her fears are validated.  She sees unpredictability, inconsistency and anger.  She would be stupid to say, "Hey there, cowboy, climb aboard!"

And she's not stupid.

What next?

Next is you deciding whether or not you are going to change your thoughts and what you're broadcasting.

You'll need to decide to do it because it's not negotiable for you.  You'll do it for YOU first...because of how you feel about YOU when you get back to that happy, confident, attractive guy with the sexy swagger.

With proper commitment to these changes and unwavering consistency I will guarantee you that your mojo will soar.

And, yes, she will notice.

It's from there things can start changing in the romance and sex department.


Want to talk more about what you're ready to commit to?  Go here to ask me for a consultation call. 

Or...think about coming to a 2018 retreat to hang with other powerful men like you.  These will be announced in December.

Or...stay tuned for the release of the How to Defuse the Divorce Bomb online course.  The pilot is underway now.  Click the link above to go to the course page and find the button to put yourself on a VIP notification list.

Lotta love, brother,
