Have you ever just lost your sh*t in front of everyone?
Have you ever had a mini-meltdown after which you felt like a complete fool?
No? Then quit reading. The rest of you come along with me.
I remember working on a project that wasn't going well and I was getting really
Just as my (then) wife showed up to ask a question about something unrelated I slammed my thumb with the hammer.
That was it. I turned into a freak show.
I threw the hammer as hard as I
could across the room as blood started pumping out around my thumbnail.
In a flash my anger boiled over and anything or anyone in my way was a target. I imagine I even blamed her for asking a simple question.
Here's what happened next.
She said, "Why do you have to do that? I HATE it when you lose your sh*t like that!!!"
You can probably guess what I said.
"It has nothing to do with you and you shouldn't worry about it!"
I've got a number of memories like that running through my head. How about you?
The moral of the story?
Our unchecked temper and unbridled anger affects everyone around us whether we like it or
not. And that anger is usually coming from a place in our brain we haven't adequately addressed yet.
The funny thing is that really "good guys" do this all the time.
Kind of like this guy in this video. He's one of the nicest guys I've ever
But WATCH what happens here.