I'll make this short and sweet.
Stop arguing about stupid shit.
Yep. That's pretty much it.
I hear about stupid arguments and heavy conversations all the time. They are usually over the most ridiculous crap that somebody (you know who) has escalated into a grand jury trial.
It's not your fault that she is launching the silly attack, but it is your
fault that you take the bait.
I know how tempting it is. Her inner 13 year old girl throws out yet another controlling, critical comment and then YOUR inner 13 year old boy is ready for war.
Yeah, just like we did when we were kids.
But you're not a kid anymore.
adult man. Powerful. Wise. Mature.
You're also her LOVER. The ONLY MAN on this planet who is allowed to kiss her, hug her and make love to her. So act like HIM.
The best way to respond to ridiculous, controlling or critical complaints is though your lover energy.
This guy doesn't defend himself because he doesn't feel threatened.
This guy doesn't get drawn into stupid arguments because he finds her attractive and amusing. She doesn't scare him.
This guy doesn't feel bad about himself just because she is pissy. He already
knows he has stepped up to the plate and her issues are not his.
In other words, he's good in his own skin and unrattled by whatever is going on with her.
In this video, I explain more about the type of "Lover Response" you need and the mindset you need to adopt to feel strong and confident again.