Are you treating her like a man with boobs? Don't make this mistake.

Published: Sun, 05/28/17


Many years ago you loved every single thing about her...even those nutty things she did that made you cringe.

She was adorable - just as she was.

Now?  No so much.

The mistake you're making now is wishing she could more like you.  Kind of like a man - only with boobs.

Hey, I'm guilty too.  It can feel like a tremendous amount of work and effort to relate to her like a girlfriend.  You're always second guessing, tip-toeing around in arguments and trying not to screw up.

Stop trying so hard.  

Really.  You don't need to be her girlfriend.  You just have to learn how to calmly BE with her without needing her to change.

And, more importantly, when you learn to be more relaxed, curious and confident in your own skin - your whole dynamic with her will change shockingly fast!

I see this every day.  A client told me yesterday that he's suddenly found her leg wrapped around him in bed.  That hasn't happened in two months!  All because he learned to stand tall, not over-react and not try to be her girlfriend.

This article explains more about this problem.

And in this video I tell you about another problem that arises when you start to gain confidence and stop over-reacting.  What do you do when she says, "You just don't care how I feel!"

Watch the video for my tip on this sticky situation.
​​​​​​​I want you to feel strong, calm, confident and clear-headed man.

I want you to relax in situations that make normal men crazy.

I want you to grin with the knowledge you're being who you want to be and you're creating the life and love you want.

Why?  Because I spent decades not feeling that way and I now know there's a way to get to the other side.

​​​​​​​If you're ready to get to the other side then go HERE to apply for a consultation call.


And if you want to get a heavy dose of swagger you can come camp out with us at the June 24/25 - 24 Hour - All inclusive Unapologetic Man Retreat.

Six men maximum.  ONLY TWO SPOTS REMAIN.

Great food. Pure mountain air.  Powerful connections.

Life changing insights.  And an amazing brotherhood awaits you. 

And you'll go home with a grin on your face and more confidence in your step.

Early bird price is $397 (Save $80 if you register before June 1).

Lotta love, brother,