Do you have drama in your life?
Drama is the #1 killer of a man's freedom, peace and happiness.
For the purpose of this letter I offer you a definition.
DRAMA = Any external force of negativity, unrest, emotional projection or demands on your time or attention that you did not invite into your life.
Many men feel victimized by drama. They believe they have no choice but
to accept it. Then they complain about it constantly...only to attract MORE drama.
It does not have to be this way.
The biggest reason we get drawn into drama is because we think we need to do something about it.
We think it's about us. And if it's about us then that means we're not okay.
And if we feel like we're not okay, then dammit, we need to fix whatever is causing the drama.
But here's the truth.
The drama is not about you. It's not caused by you. And it can't be fixed by you.
You ARE okay. And you don't need to engage.
Here's a quick video where I explain it better. I'm inviting you to a 7-Day Challenge to change how you respond to drama.