The Uncomfortable Trick to Getting What You Really Want

Published: Sun, 03/26/17


One of my favorite fiction books is The Art of Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein.  I lost count of how many times this book made my eyeballs swell up...pushing back tears.

It's about car racing, risk, love, cancer, death,

Here's one of many classic quotes from the book.

"There is no dishonor in losing the race. There is only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose."

One of the main characters is Denny - a race car driver.  This guy never loses a race in the rain.


Because he trained himself to become more comfortable at something that freaked out everyone else.

​​​​​​​He learned how to be calm, comfortable and confident when all 4 tires broke loose!

Instead of white-knuckling the steering wheel and sitting on pins and needles he just learned to intentionally go into a 4 wheel skid.

Why again?

Because it was predictable.  He was finally in control.  He knew exactly what that car would do in that state...and he milked it good.

He was pushing the scary edge that kept all the other drivers off the gas...tapping their brakes.

But not Denny.  He would tap the gas and start his slide into a whole new comfort zone.  A zone only HE found comfortable.

From there you can predict what happens.  He slides through the turns and passes other drivers like they are standing still.

Some thought he was reckless.  But Denny knew better.

Better to tell your car when to skid than sit around wondering when it's going to skid on you.

Are you still with me?

I'm sure you see where I'm going with this.

This is exactly how I think men should be thinking about their life.

I hung out in the middle of the pack for 30 years - tapping my brakes and letting off the gas.

I was afraid of pushing the scary edges of what I wanted and becoming the man I knew I could be.  

I was a people pleasing, egg-shell walking good guy who thought settling for good enough was...well...good enough.

What I learned is that "good enough" is the mindset of a man who is settling for less than what he really wants.

If you want to have a relationship and sex life that rocks your world, you need to be pushing an edge you've never faced.

If you want more adventure, variety and spontaneity in your life, you need to make some scary decisions.

And if you want a better paying job or a more profitable business you need get comfortable in the 4 wheel skid of increasing your value and asking for what you want.

Here's a quick video I made for you about that.
How do you learn to do that?

You do this by pushing your very first scary edge.

For me that meant accepting help and investing in high quality training and experiences.  This pushed me out of my comfort zone big time.

I'm headed back to Santa Monica for the 3rd time next Friday for a 4-day coaching intensive that is always a little edgy for me. 

I'm with a group of 150 other people who are all challenging each other.  I'm not a fan of huge groups anyway.  It's intimidating.

It pushes me to think, speak, engage and grow.  And it's not cheap which is another edge I'm learning to push - investment.

But EVERY TIME I return home, I feel an exponential shift in my energy, mojo and commitment to creating what I want.  It's a high better than Fat Tire beer provides - and I like me some Fat Tire.

Anyway, this is what I know.

Real change and exponential improvements only happen when we push ourselves into the zone of discomfort.

We have to know when to fearlessly press the gas and when to hit the brakes.

We have to know when it's time to take a stand, speak up and risk pissing other people off.

And we have to know how to respond to situations that might otherwise control our destiny.

The upcoming Confident Man Ranch Retreat is the perfect time for you to do this.

Yes, it's going to be an incredibly fun and relaxing adventure.

But there will also be a little "discomfort".

You will hear stories that will make you blush.   I'll be sharing concepts that might make you uneasy.

But you will make mind-blowing connections and huge realizations through hearing other men's stories.

That's why its called an "intensive".  In these 4 days you will get a powerful new perspective and TOOLS to fix some things at home that have needed fixing.

You'll be surrounded by other men like you who want to dig a little deeper.  

And you'll be expected to join us as we push the hairy edge of your vulnerability.  (I might have just lost half the crowd there)
Here’s the Offer:

I'm inviting you to the Confident Man Ranch Retreat.  

April 27-30, 2017 in Loveland, Colorado.

Ten men MAXIMUM.

We've got the states of Arizona, North Dakota, Washington and Colorado represented so far.  Where will you be coming from?

Hit REPLY now to ask me any question at all and I'll respond asap.

The cabin accommodations, the lodge, the game room, the horses, the 3200 acres of SPACE, the dining room, the river....damn.

This is an all-inclusive getaway so you just need to bring a toothbrush and some boots.

It's about 90 minutes north of Denver.

Go HERE for more information and to register.

And if this retreat doesn't work for you, I've just posted my 2017 Schedule of Retreats for the rest of the year.  Many of you have asked about the ones happening at my place near Red Feather Lakes, CO.

Go HERE to see the dates and prices for these workshops and retreats.

Lotta love, brother,