I've had men unsubscribe from my newsletter because, and I quote, "Just a
little too macho for my taste."
I know sometimes I get a little blunt and totally encourage you to grab your nuts and stand up for the life and love you want. I talk about setting boundaries and being absolutely unapologetic about being a confident, sexual, romantic kick-ass man who shall have what he
But macho? Me?
Don't let the flannel and horses fool you.
If I've learned anything at all since I started this new journey, I know that emotional intelligence, empathy and vulnerability are the STRONGEST tools a man can own.
A guy who can stand in the face of a storm and not hide behind some facade of machismo is a guy I want to drink beer with.
(there I go again)
That's why my heart broke when I read a man's comment to my latest article. See below for the link to that.
I was writing about vulnerability and how
women have such a hard time with a man's emotional venting. And I encouraged men to realize that the very best place to share fears, shame and dreams is with OTHER MEN. I know this to be a fact. But this is what he had to say:
Steve wrote:“I’ve come to firmly believe the best place for this is with other men. ”
Yeah great. You have your group, but out here in the wild where the rest of us live, we aren’t allowed to share our vulnerability with other men either. The punishment and shaming that comes from that is too risky because it’s so costly. As Brenè said in her famous talk, “The number one rule for men, Don’t be a pussy!” Both men and women demand that men adhere to that rule, and
if you can’t, you deserve all the shame that society heaps upon you. In this country, there still a much bigger reward for stuffing your problems and trying to solve them while keeping them hidden from view. Nothing in this country is viewed as more broken, weak and shameful, than a man who admits to partaking in therapy. That prison may open someday but until then we all know we’re not allowed to even glance in the direction of the cell
Here is the article he was referring to.
I'd love to get your thoughts on this. Please leave a comment under that article to share with other men about what you think about being vulnerable.
What has been your experience in being vulnerable with women?
What has been your experience when you've been brave enough to open up to
other men?
This is your chance to help a brother out.
Here's a quick video I made for you about it.