How to Tell if Your 2017 Will be a Carbon Copy of Your 2016

Published: Sun, 01/08/17


Here's a highly scientific formula to help you predict whether or not 2017 will be any better for you than 2016.

X + Nc = X

Where X = Your life in 2016

And Nc = No changes

I know. It's so obvious we shouldn't even have to say it. But we do have to say it because it's really hard to make the changes that matter most.

I remember having this beat into my head by a man who was mentoring me years ago and he kept saying,

"If nothing changes, nothing will change. If something changes then SOMETHING will change."

He used it as a tag line on every single email. It annoyed the crap out of me...
until it finally hit me in the head like a 2 x 4.

What he was trying to tell me was that change was always within my control.

Instead or worrying and whining about the circumstances happening to me, I had the power to change my circumstances.

And the most important circumstance we can change is what comes out of us on a daily basis.

We can change how we think about conflict and negativity.

We can change the words we choose to speak.

We can change how we respond to pressure and rejection.

We can change who we allow in our life - and who we don't.

And most importantly, we can change how we think about ourselves, our own value and our influence on others.

This is foundation of all the other changes we can make.

And when we choose to change what comes out of us, it will cause changes in everything and everyone around us.

First things first.  Choose to change yourself.

Here's a quick video I made about that.

And here's a recent article I wrote about the long list of stuff that may have been going on for you in 2016.

Instead of agonizing over what you don't want, how about focusing on all the things you do want in 2017?

And then decide to make some key changes in yourself to create those things.

Read more about that here:

Men have a hard time making decisions when it comes to shaking up their life.

We tend to think everything "isn't that bad" and if we just hang in there "things gotta get better".

That's a massive mistake.  Things really ARE that bad and, no, things don't just get better.

That's why I want to speak with you.  I want to help you see how easy it is to make the kind of changes that will drastically change your mojo and then drastically change your relationship and life.

Here's your next decision.

Click here to schedule a one-on-one conversation with me. 


Lotta love,
