The Big Mistake You Might Make When You First Find Your Mojo [VIDEO]

Published: Sun, 11/01/15


I want to warn you about something, so I made this video for you.

This can happen to any of us when we get the first glimpse of the elusive thing we call MOJO.  

When you take the leap of commitment into this work, you feel REAL CHANGES in your masculine confidence.  You get super clear, like never before, on what you want from yourself and within your relationship.

You feel stronger than ever before.  This strength feels bold and courageous.

It's not an aggressive strength.  It's coming from a place of tenderness,  empathy and compassion you haven't allowed to surface before.

And this is where you may make the big mistake.

Excitement and urgency fills your veins.  You want the world to see the emerging new you.  You want to talk about it and patch up old hurts and mistakes...quickly.

You want your woman to feel your changes like you do and you want her to acknowledge them.  You feel like you're finally on the right track and you want her to join you.

Slow down, brother.  Breathe.  Relax.

You've only reached the "launching point" of your new mojo.  It's powerful and it's tempting to go full throttle.

But you're not ready for that yet.  Neither is she.

You need to settle into it and practice.  Walk before you run.

Spend time with the men and sharpen your understanding and application of your new power.  Make it real for you and be consistent.

Your question may be, "How long will it be before I start seeing changes in her and my relationship?"

Nobody knows the answer to that right now.  

You must trust that you are on the right path and no matter what happens, you've found the most important key to your happiness and well being.  And this is your mojo.  

Your good will come.  Promise.

Lots of love, brother,


P.S.  Here is another link to the Spider-Man video clip I refer to in my video below.  Use this link if the one in the video doesn't work for  you.

If you're ready to explore a major MOJO SHIFT for the rest of your life then check out the  90-Day Masculine Confidence Intensive.  You can learn more about it HERE.

If you want to register for the daytime Men's Retreat here at Horsmon Ranch in Livermore, Colorado on

Saturday, November 7, 2015 just hit REPLY to this email.

It's going to be a powerful experience.

The Men Only Retreat will be on Saturday, November 7th at my place from 12 noon to 6pm.  I'm located about 45 mins. northwest of Ft. Collins toward Red Feather Lakes.

Why should you come?

Because there is probably NO OTHER place in your life where this caliber of men congregate, share their truth and become your biggest advocate.

I know that's true for me, anyway.

Here's a repeat of the details below.

Oh, let me know if standard BBQ fare is an issue with your diet.  I can grab a trout out of the lake or something if I need to.


MAXIMUM of TEN MEN! (plus me)

A simple man's BBQ lunch is included and will be the first order of business.

Then we spend some time getting to know each other better and building a little more trust with an exercise.

The rest of the format is going to be customized this year.

There will be a small, responsible happy hour at the end too.

We will focus on burning issues like:

  • skillfully handling female anger and chaos
  • closing the gap between knowing what you “should do” and actually DOING it.
  • sex issues around performance, hang ups, techniques, rejection, quality vs. quantity, etc.
  • being the “man” in your marriage
  • masculine/feminine polarity and how to do the dance on your terms
  • how to keep your manly mojo  cranked up so you can create the life you want. (among other stuff)
  • your burning issue here

Benefits and Expectations if you Attend:

  • You will be surrounded by like-minded, initiated, high-quality men the whole day.  This is nearly impossible to find in your own social circles.
  • You will be seen and heard and supported in ways you almost never feel anywhere else
  • You will learn things you haven't considered and wish you had
  • You will leave the retreat with a grin on your face and an action plan for at least ONE major thing you will start doing differently
  • You are expected to bring your true, authentic self and be prepared to support and be supported by other men.
  • The will be no drum beating, face painting, sacrifices or any other “right of passage”. Simply choosing to do this and participating is huge enough and scary enough.

The price is $349 - All Inclusive...happy hour too.