Warning: You Might Screw This Up if You Get Too Cocky

Published: Mon, 09/14/15


Here's a quick heads up (warning) for you as you start your journey in rebuilding the trust and connection with your woman.

A new client sent me an email just the other day with a FANTASTIC story.  It made me smile and laugh out loud and cheer for him!

He has started making some important changes in his energy, his outlook and his mindset.  And his wife's response has been phenomenal!  She's been awesome.

Brother "W" will recognize this quote.  She said, "I f*cking LOVE you!"  It was a good week for him.  A very good week.

Why do I need to warn you?  Because this happens a LOT when you first get started in my program.

And you might make a BIG mistake - which brother "W" won't make.

You might actually believe your work is done and you will screw up.  You might start believing your own BS.  You might even get cocky.

And it'll backfire on you .

One good week does not a man make.

You will be tested.  Your next bad week is right around the corner.

And if you have done your work, it will pass smoothly and without incident.

Part of what brother "W" has implemented is in this article I published on the Good Men Project site.

Take a look at the comment from one guy.  I would really like to hear your thoughts on his comment.

Read it HERE.

If you want in on the 90-Masculine Confidence Intensive, you can start reading HERE.

Lots of love to you, brother,