Everyone Hates Neediness - I'll Prove it to You [Video #003]

Published: Sun, 09/06/15

Hey, (watch the 1 minute video before reading the rest)

This is #3 of 100 videos in which I’m using your help and feedback to master something I’m very uncomfortable with – videos. I’m showing you the power of pushing the edges of your discomfort...one day at a time. 

This week I’m learning the value of keeping the camera still!   Thank you for your feedback and keep it coming!  In return, I will give YOU feedback to help you become the master of you, your relationship and your life.

First, I want to get something off my chest.  I’ve sent over 150 newsletters to you guys and have now made 3 videos for you.  I don’t know, I was just hoping you would be more eager to contact me and talk one-on-one.  I mean, I’ve been giving you so much, I feel like it’s a one-sided relationship and all you do is take.  It makes me feel like you’re taking advantage of me.  I just want a little reciprocation.  And, I need more clients.  Really, I don’t know why it seems you’re afraid to hire me.  I need to make a living at this and I need you to be more engaged and more serious about this.  I just don’t know how long I can keep doing this.

That was a joke, brother.  But did that feel a little creepy?  A little needy?  How likely are you to come back next week and watch another video?  Why would you WANT to buy ANYTHING from me if this is how I’m going to make you feel?

Yet, this is what some men do to women – constantly.  I was one of them. They ooze an energy of neediness, disappointment and disapproval.  Why would ANY women want to move toward a more loving, connected and intimate relationship with a guy like that? 

This is what I mean when I say you must learn how to WANT HER without NEEDING HER.  This applies to ALL of your relationships. 

WANTING HER has an energy of masculine self-respect, worthiness and confidence.  Her choices have no bearing on your self-image. Your happiness does not hinge on her reaction to you.  You are offering your love and respect because that’s how you roll – not to trick her into the sack.  WANTING HER isn’t a game and you’re not issuing threats or conditions.  WANTING HER energy is possible only when you truly feel your own mojo. This energy is what creates emotional safety and attraction.

NEEDING HER has an energy of boyish insecurity, self-doubt and fear.  Her reactions to you send you into a tizzy of anger and resentment.  Your happiness is tied directly to her reciprocating your love and affection. You offer your love and respect with the condition that she will feels the same for you.  This is how you roll and it feels like a game to her.  You react by arguing, pouting or withholding your love.  NEEDING HER energy is the result of a man who has no mojo and doesn’t not feel the strength of his own value and his own purpose.  This energy is what creates fear, distrust, and emotional distance in others.

To show you how this looks and feels, let me try again to connect with YOU as a potential client without being needy.  This is exactly how I think and feel about the opportunity to work with you.  Even if you tell me to take a leap, or I’m full of crap, or that I’m too expensive…this is what I actually say.

“What matters most to me is NOT that you agree with me or hire me.  No matter what you decide I want you to realize that you can have anything you want in your life and relationship.  You already have what it takes.

 I want that for you because life is too short to stay stuck.  I don’t NEED you as a client.  I WANT clients who are willing to face the fear of change and take bold actions to create more for themselves. 

I WANT clients whose fear of staying stuck is bigger than their fear of  the unknown.  I want clients who inspire me as much as I inspire them. 

I’m not cheap because the results you get are worth more than anything you’ve bought in the last 5 years.  And they last a lifetime.

What matters most to me is that you find a way to live the rest of your life feeling the same level of confidence, clarity and worthiness as I do.  I discovered the secret to this and have a gift in teaching it to you. 

It's possible only for men who decide to drop their anger and fear and step into the unknown with other men who are just a few steps ahead of them.

Just know I want the best for you and I've got your back no matter what you decide.”

That is what WANTING HER energy should feel like.  That is what others – especially the  woman in your life – are craving.  Invite them to join you in your values and your gifts and give them the trust and respect to make their own choices.

If you want more help in understanding specifically how to create this energy within yourself  and THEN for her, we should start talking about inspiring each other.  You can do this if you WANT to do this. 

Lotta love brother,

P.S.  Please share your feedback, comments and barbs in the YouTube comment section!

Go HERE to Read What These Guys and Gals Have to Say