Quiz: Are you a Hummingbird on Crack or a Mountain Lion?

Published: Sun, 09/13/15


What in the world does "Masculine Presence" mean??

Women tell me they know it when they FEEL it.  And they love it - for many reasons.

In this week's video #4, I try to explain what "Masculine Presence" means in everyday language.  There is nothing "new agey" about a man who is calm, deliberate and pleased.  It's the best gift you can give yourself and everyone around you.  

And I forgot something I wanted to say in this video.  So I found a rock, changed my shirt and made video #5 to explain the difference between a Hummingbird on Crack and a Mountain Lion.

Remember, these are my "baby step training videos".  Give me your thoughts on both the video style and the content.  Ask me any question.  I'll address it directly in a new video soon.
The next video was an afterthought.  But the message is important - to all men.
(yes, my "nose shadow" is ridiculous...point taken)  ;^)
I appreciate your support and trust as we blaze the trails of video making and becoming a stronger, clearer, and more confident man.

If you want to know more benefits of having a personal mentor, click here. Nothing pleases me more than to watch a man regain his mojo, rebuild his confidence and create the relationship and life he really wants.

Here is what a recent client sent me at the end of his program.  He may or may not save his marriage - time will tell.  He knows he can't control that outcome and he STILL feels like a winner.
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Thank you for all of your wisdom and guidance through this challenging time.  I wish all men could be fortunate enough to have mentors (A friends) like you. The world would be a much better place.

Here are my thoughts/metaphor:

Life is like a 15 round heavyweight boxing match.  I'd say I was in the 9th round when I initially called you. I had just taken a heavy head shot (marital issues/self doubt/bouts of depression) and was down for the count.......and the bell had just rang.   I wasn't sure I could get up to meet the bell for the 10th.  Fortunately, I staggered to my feet (made the call) and got to my corner.  Damn good thing I had a good "corner man" (Horsmon).   

You worked with me and got me seeing clearly (sound advice/compassion/mentoring).  I feel like I can not only meet the bell for the 10th round but come out with my head held high (empowered/inspired) and ready to give it all I have. 

This will go the distance.  Win or lose, I know that I'll have given it everything I had.  I'm glad I've got you in my corner for the next five rounds.   Time will tell how it turns out, but either way, I know I'm a winner! 

Take care and lots of love to you brother,

~ S.T. - Idaho

P.S. Hopefully, my vision will be good enough to duck when I see the big right hook coming.........
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Lotta love brother,

P.S.  Please share your feedback, comments and barbs in the YouTube comment section!

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