She said, "That offends me!" He said, "What?!" [Video #002]

Published: Sun, 08/30/15


What could a man married over 50 yrs. possibly say to his wife to elicit the response, "That offends me!".

You will find out in the video below.  I helped him makes some sense of it.

But first, let me quickly explain what I'm trying to do here.  I'm doing TWO things at once.

1.  Using your help and feedback in creating better videos and finally getting comfortable doing them.

2.  Giving you something VALUABLE each week to work on your own comfort zone issues with women, love and/or sex.

As I explained in my video last week, I'm not confident about doing videos.  Therefore, I am committing to doing ONE HUNDRED of them until I get comfortable with it.  One per week.  Baby steps, right?

I can keep being wishy-washy and struggle with this or I can make a commitment to getting better come hell or high water.  That means YOU get to watch, point and laugh and/or help me as much as you can.

In return, I would LOVE to see your commitment to taking baby steps every week in changing the way you THINK, SPEAK and BEHAVE in the world of women, love and sex.

I will help you by giving you tidbits of insight and encouragement.

I am convinced that if we BOTH commit to taking small, intentional steps - EVERY WEEK - we will see massive changes!

Men need other men to hold their feet to the fire.  This is how we make the changes we want to get what we want.

And if you want to get it even faster, give me call.  The "fast track" is available to men who want a mentor to guide them through a step-by-step process of grabbing their balls and creating exactly what they want.

Lotta love brother,

P.S.  Please share your feedback, comments and barbs in the YouTube comment section!

Go HERE to Read What These Guys and Gals Have to Say