Are you an Atheist in the Foxhole of your Marriage?

Published: Sun, 08/09/15


It’s been said there are no atheists in foxholes.

The implication here is that under extremely stressful conditions everyone starts looking to a higher power for help or guidance.

Not everyone. 

When my marriage was turning horribly painful and stressful, I sure wasn’t looking toward religion or any type of spiritual connection for help.

I was too busy trying to fix things.  I didn’t need any stinkin’ “spiritual help”.

I was using my intellect to analyze and understand things.  I dissected everything she did and said and planned a counter argument that would surely convince her she was wrong.  With hard work and focus, I knew I could turn everything around and stop the darkness and fear that was surrounding me.

Who needs spirituality when you’ve got the tools of logic, analysis and a good work ethic?

You do.  That’s who.  And I do too.

Every single man I know who has successfully battled through the darkness of a struggling marriage has done so only because he had spiritual clarity

Some have developed the strength and compassion to create a loving and inspiring new relationship with their wife. 

Others have moved on with optimism and confidence to create an amazing and fulfilling relationship with someone new.

What do I mean by spiritual clarity?

I’m talking about an emotionally powerful and inspiring BELIEF that you are meant to have a powerful and passionate life.

I’m talking about an unshakable FAITH that you were created with a purpose which you deserve to fulfill – a purpose the universe NEEDS you to fulfill.

I’m talking about an irresistible VISION which is pulling you to live the loving, engaged and connected life you know you want to live before it’s too late.

If you do not have spiritual clarity, you are at a severe disadvantage.

The pain in your gut and daily frustrations will linger indefinitely.

Without spiritual clarity, you will continue to THINK, SAY and DO things that sabotage your efforts to have what you really want.  And nothing will improve for you.

Without spiritual clarity, you will believe every negative thing you think and hear is true.  And you will react with resentment and anger which will pull you further into the downward spiral you’re trying so hard to fight against.

You will stay stuck.  You will keep thinking that you are doomed to unhappiness.

When you decide to change your beliefs and have faith that your good is coming, things will change.

And when you finally follow the pull of your vision toward being the man you want to be, things will change.

I assume you want things to change, right?

Then let’s get you unstuck.  Let’s create some change.

I’m talking about really shaking the hell out of your current mindset and getting you on the right track.

The “right track” is where your confidence and peace of mind is.  It’s how men find their mojo again.

Lots of love to you, brother,


P.S.  You can find the right track through the 90-day Masculine Confidence Intensive program.  APPLY HERE to see if you're a fit for the program and to schedule a strategy call to help you get your mojo back and make your vision happen.

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