How to lose your fear and start living again before it's too late

Published: Wed, 07/08/15


Some guys like things logical.  Rational.

But relationships seldom follow the rules of logic.  Emotions were not invented to be "rational".  We can't control feelings very well.  Especially if they are not our own.

Yet we try and we try to make everything and everyone make sense.  And when we can't we get nervous.  Upset.  Pissed.


Because most of our training and education is focused on solving problems with logic.  We are taught to believe that any problem can be solved with a systematic, mathematical and rational approach.

But relationship problems usually present themselves in the form of bad feelings.  Messy emotions.  And when we are trying to analyze, fix or control a woman's feelings with logic...we're screwed.

We should try to focus more on ourselves and less on others.  Even then, most of us are pretty damn irrational. 

Even when we have direct control, we tend to lose our grip on the simplest tools of reason.  Common sense gets murky.  Our emotions take control and we get nervous.  Upset.  Pissed.  

What is the number one emotion that sabotages

nearly every man I know?

Fear.  Illogical...irrational fear.

That why I wrote my latest ebook on the topic of fear. 

This is my attempt to drag you back into the land of reason.  Logic

Your fear makes no sense.

What do you REALLY have to fear?

Why is it scary to stand up for yourself and for what you want?

What horror story are you telling yourself that is keeping you from taking some serious action toward the future you deserve?

If you haven't already gotten a copy of this, here you go.

"The Hard-to-Swallow SECRET about Saving your Marriage" 

The new guys in our group received this when they joined up.  But most of you probably haven't seen it yet.  You don't need to subscribe again.  Let me make it easy for you.

Instantly download and read about the ONE question I ask men who are gripped in fear about saving their relationship and never having the life they want.

When you're done, I want you to decide if you're being irrational about your own behavior. 

Is it an irrational choice to sit back, not rock the boat and wait for things to get better?

Then decide if you can do this alone.  Some guys need a mentor - a wing man if you will.

And I'm honored to serve you and I've got your back.

Just last week I got this email from a new client ONE DAY after our first session together when I gave him some very specific support in one area.

"When I got home from work I told [her] to take-off and get some time with her friends and I got the kids - she went out for a couple hours and when she came back the kids were all asleep and she was happy and thankful - we had some good chats before bed and made love before falling asleep - it was all very nice."

He lost his fear.  He took control of himself.  He stepped up.

And she loved it.

Better yet...HE felt proud of himself.  And I'm proud of him too.

I hope you enjoy the free ebook.  If you're moved to action, then go here to apply for one of the limited spots in the 90-Day Masculine Confidence Intensive Program.

Lots of love,


Lots of FACEBOOK fun here!

Go HERE to Read What These Guys and Gals Have to Say