She said, “I just don't trust that he is really changing. It won't last!”

Published: Fri, 03/13/15


I’m sure this is what my ex-wife was thinking.

My attempts to win her trust and show her I could be better probably looked totally contrived. 

Trickery.  Just pretend.

I can’t say I blame her for being skeptical.  A lot of us guys spend decades convincing our women to believe we can’t be trusted with their hearts.  We use tricks and secret contracts to win their affection and their bodies. 

Instead of sharing our strong, dependable and penetrating masculine love we toy with the tactics of a teenager who gives only to get something in return.  We want “brownie points”.  I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.

Then things start going bad.  Really bad.

Trust disappears.  Respect vanishes.  Affection flies the coop. 

Sex?  Ha!  Maybe on your birthday.  Even then…it kind of sucks.

And then…roommates.  Forever, we fear.

Don’t feel insulted.  I’m not talking about you.  I’m talking about me.

One of the many books I assign clients early on is No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert Glover.  Click the link.  It’s about $10. 

If the first part of this email made you twitch, please read this book.  It's a life changer for thousands of men.  And if you end up contacting me it will help us move more quickly to get you the results you want.

Why should you call me?

Because for most men a fantastic book like that can only do so much.  There are exercises and worksheets in there, but that isn’t how change actually happens in a man. 

Real transformation happens in real life, with other real men doing some real messy work.

And it’s REALLY fun.  Intense – yes.  But fun.

It’s where you figure out that her skepticism in your changes does not matter.  In fact, worrying about her approval and acceptance of you is part of what got you here in the first place.

I know that’s a bold assumption but, hey, I’ve got my reasons.

Can you feel better about all this?  Hell yeah.

Can you make changes that will turn your life and relationship upside down?  Hell yeah.

Can you stop walking on eggshells around your own house and starting creating the relationship you want?  No question about it.

Why would you chose NOT to?

Same reason it took me forever.  Fear.  The unknown.
How do I know I can do this?  (You can – I see it every day)

What if I can’t make these changes?  (You will – because you want to)

What if it drives her further away?  (If it does, that’s her problem)

What if I can’t afford to pay for the program?  (You can – it's cheaper than a lot of stuff we buy)

Fear sucks.  So does the idea of living the next 50 yrs. in the exact spot you’re in. 

I’ve been in your shoes.  I know how you feel.  There is light at the end of your tunnel.

I'm always here for you to listen to your story and show you what man-to-man mentoring feels like.  Let me explain how I know there is light at the end of your tunnel.  Let see if I can convince YOU. 

Even if you have ONE burning issue you need to fix tonight, I want to help.

No strings.  I’m here to serve.

With love, brother,

P.S.  In a recent email, I mentioned the “How to Man” workshop I’m attending with Alex Allman in Phoenix on April 11 and 12.  I’ve got my tickets and hotel.  I’d LOVE to see you there and buy you a drink.  I just found out that Alex is providing two SCHOLARSHIPS (free tickets and hotel) to men who can’t afford the workshop right now.  Reply back to me if you are ready to take a bold step and get involved with some other initiated men.  I’ll hook you up to apply for the scholarship.

(970) 484-8241

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