Happy New Year! Have you heard that enough
Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you to get to the gym in 2015 and be all the man you can be.
Sure, health and fitness are a really important part of a guy getting his Mojo back. Losing weight, increasing muscle tone and stamina, and maybe a few new shirts aren't a bad idea
either. I encourage you to consider it - for YOU.
But, if you feel like 2014 could have been MUCH better than it was, the gym isn't all you'll be needing. If you feel like you've kind of been coasting along in a "good enough" marriage, with "good enough" passion, and going to a "good enough" job...bigger biceps aren't going to help you either.
Since my Christmas email about what a man Santa is, I think I might have rattled a few cages. New clients are showing up this January with some really strong convictions.
And they aren't about just losing weight. These guys (and one gal) are all about being DONE with repeating the same old mistakes and enduring the same old results in their relationships and their jobs They're so excited get to work they've got me all excited.
What brings a tear to my eye is to find out that each
one of them is crystal clear that fixing that starts with them. They tell me they want to fix their attitude, their focus, and their sense of self-respect. And the number one area they are committed to changing is how they show up as a loving, strong, and masculine man in their relationships with their wives, kids, and employees.
The one woman client
is determined to change the way she relates with the men in her life. She's tired of trying to compete with men in a battle of testosterone. She wants to feel more comfortable being herself, in her own skin, with her own feminine power and gifts. I
can tell you right now, she will succeed fantastically. FYI, I launched a new website for women called Whats With Him? I've got some insight to share about what makes us dudes tick.
A quick note if you are located near
Northern Colorado, I've created a new Meet Up for men only starting January 21st at 6:30pm. It's only $5 and it's going to be an awesome meeting of great men. Make a commitment this year to put more thinking, initiated men in your life. We all need each other.
If you're thinking about how to NOT settle for "good enough" in 2015, take one little step in a new direction. Hit the reply button to this email and send me a
personal message about what you're committing to this year.
Tell me how I can help you? What's holding you back? What are your fears?
Let's have a conversation that will very likely give you the kick start you're looking for.
Just promise me you won't settle for less than you deserve.
Tons love to you!