Passionate Men Beget More Passion

Published: Tue, 12/17/13

Hi there!

I know you're busy, thanks for opening email today.   This will be quick - promise.

I asked you recently to think about what your PASSION was.  Did you do it? 

It's a little scary...I know.

If you're like a lot of guys, you probably have lots of interests in addition to work, parenting, husbanding, and social obligations.

But what's your PASSION?

What keeps your mind just buzzing with excitement some days?

What would you do more of if time and money were no object?

Why do I ask?

Because one thing is clear about a man's ability to create attraction and inspire feelings of desire in women.

It is his own sense of PURPOSE.  His passion.  His power.

Men who move through life according to the whims and demands of everyone else (bosses, parents, kids, and wives) are the ones who most often complain about the lack of physical intimacy and respect in their relationships.

They have become less attractive than they once were.  They are uninspiring.  They are boring.  They are predictable.

And that ain't sexy.

A man who is crystal clear about his values and his goals in a loving, but unapologetic way turns heads!

He pursues his dreams and passions with non-negotiable terms which include inviting everyone he loves along for the ride!

How do you do this?

Your passion may lie in a business venture.  It may be a service to your clients or your church.

You may have hobbies that fill your need for creativity and productivity.

You may focus on your role as father, son, friend, husband, and lover as your life passion.

So.  What's yours?  How do you communicate to yourself and the world about your purpose?  What makes your head buzz?

How does your passion drive and motivate you?

How does it inspire and attractive those most important to you into your circle of love?

I know.  These are tough questions. 

This article may help you:  What's Your Power?

They are some of the most important questions a man can choose to figure out.

That's what we can do together.  We figure it out.  It's an amazing process.

Once you get clear on your purpose and exactly what your personal goals and values are, things start changing.

Your choices and decisions come from YOU, not the agenda, whims, and pressures of others.

You do it with a smile.  You do it with love.  You do it with PASSION.


Let's do it together, brother.  Don't be left behind following somebody else's passion.

To Better Life and Love,


Office: (970)484-8241 Cell: (970)219-2148