Do You Have the Dreaded...."Sex Brain"???

Published: Wed, 08/14/13

I know, what the hell is "Sex Brain"?

I explain it in great detail in my latest

blog post you can read HERE....

but first I need to clarify something.

I've been questioned recently about WHO my audience is?   What exactly is the focus of my message and my services?  Who is my target reader?

Is it a never married, single guy?

Is it a married guy tired of feeling single?

Is it a divorced guy trying to make sense of what happened and how to be single?

The answer is yes.  All of the above.

"But you can't do that!  You need to focus!"   No, I don't.  Here's why.

My CORE message in EVERYTHING I write is for YOU - whichever category you fall into.  (sorry ladies, no offense)

By the way, some people accuse me of trying to pick up women with my articles!!  My girlfriend thinks that's hilarious.

All 3 types of men can drastically improve their life, their work, and their relationships by understanding and acting upon my message to you.

When it comes to improving the quality of your relationships with women, I've received full-on support from my woman readers.  The women who subscribe to this newsletter are some of the most authentic, brilliant, open, honest, and (going out on a limb here) sensual women I've met in this community.  They are doing the work themselves to understand more about men.  They are the kind of ladies that guys like you deserve in your life... truly high caliber people.

They also want you to succeed in your relationships and to understand the importance of learning more about women.  They want you to know about "Sex Brain" and other important truths.  As I've said before, this will require a transformation of your masculinity.

In my next newsletter, I'll be sharing the results of your feedback on the upcoming Confident Manliness Coaching Program module content.

I want to give a heart felt THANK YOU to all of you who responded with your input and ideas.  I appreciate your readership and insights more than you know. 

Please send more questions and comments my way.  I'm open to your ideas.  I'm not quite sold on the title of the program yet!  Suggestions are welcome!

The program is unique and effective because we focus on HOW to make the changes you want to make.  We specifically address HOW to respond to every perceived roadblock along the way. 

With a specific plan of action, follow up coaching communication, results reviews, and accountability - you can't fail.

Effective coaching doesn't just tell you WHAT you can do to improve, it guides you through the HOW to make it stick.

I'm really looking forward to sharing more next time!

See if you might have "Sex Brain" HERE!

Warm Wishes,
