First, I want to invite you to our group coaching call this Thursday 6th February at 12pm mountain time, the topic of the call is "How To Explain to Kids Why Daddy Sleeps on the Couch".
This session is all about HOW YOU TALK to anyone about what's going on in your marriage:
What if you don't want to say, "Hey, it's mutual!" (when it's not)
What your kids really NEED TO KNOW about what's happening
How to respond to curious friends, family, and co-workers
How to get CRYSTAL CLEAR in your own mind about what's happening, why it's happening and where it might go
PREPARE TO SHARE your personal hard decisions with us.
We're going to have a great conversation that's guaranteed to help you feel more clear and more connected to the man you want to be.
If this call sounds interesting to you, join our Men's Roundtable here.(You'll also gain access to 6 years of recorded previous group coaching sessions and our private Facebook
community).Now onto today's newsletter...*****
It's sunrise right now and I've got my camera in my hand down at the barn.
It's a perfectly calm, cool, crisp, gorgeous Colorado morning with the horses. I wish I could share it...and a cup of coffee with you.
I'm connecting with my horses this morning and it reminded me of the #1 Rule for Creating Intimate Connections we always talk about.
It's so simple...but it's not easy if you don't
understand it.
Here it is.
Close, intimate connections are the NATURAL OUTCOME between two people where negative PRESSURE is non-existent.
When you remove all negative PRESSURE and replace it with CALM, CONFIDENCE and CURIOSITY, you will become irresistible.
This is precisely what you learn at The Confident Man Ranch Retreat coming up on May 25-28 in Loveland, Colorado. I want you to think about joining us this year, brother.
Some men are afraid to hang out with horses. And some guys are afraid to hang out with other men! Here's what a guy from last October's retreat had to say.
“I knew I was hiding
out inside of me and I needed to find my mojo. No one ever told me what they saw in me...until I met these men. I wish I had it recorded so I could hear it more often... until it sinks in. I am an incredible, loving, patient, interesting man. Go. You will thank yourself for it, and your presence is a gift for all who attend. You will see for yourself how men can love and care for each other. 10 out of 10!”
I got up early to make this video with the horses to
explain this in more detail for you. Use the energy of this video to calmly, confidently and curiously move through your day. Just watch how your connection with others changes when you give off this energy.