I can't tell you how grateful I am to have men in my life who will challenge my excuses, my justifications and my fears.
They will call me on my
bullshit when they see that my thinking is screwed up. And they do it with love and with my best interest in mind.
That's why I'm bringing it up in this email for you. Maybe you don't have anyone to challenge you to step up and out of your
Sometimes just having a mirror held up to your face makes a man flip a switch and start making changes immediately.
It's absolutely amazing how fast a man can turnaround his sense of confidence, clarity, focus and happiness when he decides he is going to OWN his thoughts and his actions.
One of the biggest challenges for the
wives and girlfriends of my clients is believing how fast a mental shift is made in their man. They want to believe it, but they don't trust it. (as in, why couldn't you do this years ago?!)
But, it is real. And it's permanent.
It's an immediate switch from wishy-washy to confident, clear and accountable. It's almost too good to be true.
Promise? Really? How can we promise that?
Because it's actually a VERY SMALL shift in your perspective that's needed to cause an exponential shift in your results.
When you change your core THOUGHTS, you will change your core EMOTIONS, which will change your ACTIONS.
It's that simple.
We don't do chest thumping, war painting, Kumbuya courses and retreats. I would suck at running those.
Our programs and
retreats are for everyday men who are ready to show up powerfully to support each other in the process of becoming confident men who create the life they want.
They don't settle and they don't hide. They create.
What about you?
Do you want