Well, THAT was an interesting experiment.
How can I tell you to push your comfort zone if I don't do it myself?
If you liked it, great. If you didn't, that's okay too.
Sometimes I don't like watching people dance badly because it makes me "embarrassed for them". I've learned that's a load of crap. The reason I'm uncomfortable is because I'm seeing myself through them.
And behind my judgment is a bit of envy that I could be as comfortable as they are just being themselves.
So, here's my challenge. Find a song this week that makes you tap your toes, move your body, sing out loud or just smile.
Do this all alone and just dig yourself and the feeling of getting into light thoughts and warm feelings.
Because light thoughts and warm feelings are your home base.
This is your NORMAL state of being. With every negative, sad, or lonely thought that enters your head you are just one song (and one thought) away from your home base.
If I could sum up what the GG2GM mission is with a simple metaphor, it would be:
We teach men how to dance in the warmth of their own value and their own happiness.
Yeah, we know you came through the door of relationship pain. It's the same door we all came through.
I'm glad you're here!
And if you're ready to start your "dance lessons", think about getting more seriously involved in this powerful community of men. I promise you will be astounded at how fast you learn the