That's right. Divorce filing statistics show that roughly 75% of all divorce filings in the US are filed by women.
It's very simple.
Some people try to explain it by saying women have no commitment, no honor, no integrity or no grit.
Others blame women for blaming men for everything including their daily sense of "happiness".
Here's the truth from MY statistics after 11 years of
this work.
Women simply trust their FEELINGS more than men do.
That's it.
More women file divorce than men because they have a MUCH MORE INTENSE RELATIONSHIP with their thoughts and their feelings than men do.
This gets misconstrued as a lack of commitment or honor.
Alison Armstrong has been a women's relationship coach for decades. She tries to help men understand this about women. She says, and I
paraphrase, Women have a deep instinct and commitment to their feelings. They are constantly reading their environment
and their relationship for security and safety.
If you can learn this now, you can begin to help her change her feelings toward you and your relationship.
When she senses a long term pattern of being insecure and unsafe, she will start saying things like:
- I don't feel connected with you
- You don't make me feel safe, heard or seen
- I think we need space apart so I can find myself
- I love you, but I don't feel "in love" with you
Sometimes she will start strange behaviors you haven't seen before.
Sometimes she will hang out with people who used to disgust her.
Sometime she just goes cold and gives you nothing but
one word responses.
And it's about this time most guys start getting really, really anxious.
Here's the deal brother. You're a cliché. And so is she.
This stuff happens in marriage every single day. Most men respond to it all wrong. Don't be a cliché.
Most men ratchet up the pressure and the demands for closeness.
Most men smother her with fearful questions and dramatic reactions.
Most men start arguing over the stupidest sh*t you can think of...just trying to get her to explain herself.
None of that works.
What DOES work?
Everything we teach in our incredibly powerful course,
How to Defuse the Divorce Bomb will work better than anything else you've been trying.
This course has:
- 9 hours of personal video coaching from me and Tim Wade
- We meet you monthly with the men in the tribe to answer questions and give you new content and support
- We give you my book free: Straight Talk Tools for the Desperate Husband
- We give you hours of bonus Not Suitable for Wife videos covering super sensitive topics like infidelity, booze
and parenthood
- We give you
dozens of hours of pre-recording group coaching calls
This time between Christmas and New Years is one of the most stressful. And January is one of the highest divorce filing months on the calendar.
This is why we run this special 50% OFF offer for men at this time each year.
We want you to get the REAL help you need now. This is how you don't remain a cliché.
This is wisdom and insight that no friend, family member or counselor can possibly
give you.
And we want to meet you once you join the tribe.
We want to hear your story, see your face and hear your voice.
We want you to get connected to the most mature, kind and encouraging group of men you've ever met.
You have until midnight on January 1st.
Click HERE now for the special offer.
How to Defuse the Divorce Bomb is THE most innovative, intensely personal, deep, dark, funny and EFFECTIVE men's relationship coaching program you will find.
We guarantee it.
There's an absolute NO B.S. refund policy if it doesn't blow your mind.
It's simple. If you don't want to be a cliche, then do something totally different than what you've been doing.