Here's why this may sound ridiculous to you.
By the time we get settled into our familiar
routines, repetitious conversations and predictable relationship habits we start believing this is just how it
is for everyone.
No. It's not. It doesn't need to be.
This may sound ridiculous because it feels totally counter-intuitive that becoming less predictable, more self-focused, less attached and more mysterious could help you create the changes you want.
It's this twisted truth that successful men seem to understand.
And in their own unique ways they begin making small day at a time...finding a new "lane" for themselves.
And in the process of doing this they become something OTHER than they've been in years.
And it's
this process that gives him the hope, strength and motivation to invite his wife into a whole new level of relationship.
Something OTHER than what they had. Something much better.
I would have NEVER been able to learn this process without the help of other men who traveled before me.
The single biggest reason men fail in the process of change is because they isolate themselves and try to do it alone.
It just doesn't work that way. You need men. Good men. Smart men.
Here are some ways
you can connect with these men and get started today...not tomorrow.