So. Valentines Day has come and gone. Another cupid bites the dust. What do you say, brother -- was it a “disaster” or did it go better than you expected? Most importantly, did you survive? We assume that if you’re reading this, you did. The men in the How to Defuse the Divorce Bomb coaching community are going through some of the
most difficult and painful times of their lives. They may have just heard a declaration from their wife of “I need space,” they are already separated, or in the throes of divorce. Here's the truth that we make sure each and every one of those men
hears: You will get through this. You will not die. You will be
okay. How do we know that? In the HDDB program, we dive deep into where your sense of security, strength, confidence, and "OKAYNESS" really lives. We know you'll be okay because, at this very moment, you ARE okay. Your inherent masculine value, your unique gifts, the impact you have yet to make on the world... they are already inside you. Yes, the storm you're facing may be a "sh*t show". It is happening, yes. But what if it's not happening TO you? What if it's all happening FOR you? No matter how crappy things get, there is
always an opportunity as well. Sure, it may be a "blessing in disguise," but it's there nonetheless. Once you decide that you are not going to let this struggle crush you, you can start to learn from it. We created the HDDB program so you wouldn't have to do it alone. “I recently signed up for your “How to Diffuse the Divorce Bomb”. I have found it incredibly helpful and I am astonished
at how accurate you are with my own situation. [Steve and Tim] have made me feel that I am not alone going through this and the support has been invaluable. I am excited about being a stronger more confident man. I’m only at the beginning of my new journey but I already feel more confident and free. -- Alan P.” Every time we get an email like the one above, we think: there are too many guys out there who are suffering alone and they don’t have to! We HAVE to get this help and support to more men! |