successfully emasculates you.
does that mean?
means she uses her feminine energy...usually the part that is rooted in fear and minimize you and your natural masculine desire to connect at a close, loving, affectionate and intimate level.
might be surgical insults, put downs, criticisms or even dramatic eye-rolling followed by exasperated sighs of disgust.
know you know what I'm talking about. Every man does.
here's the secret.
not trying to be a horrible wife. She's just practicing what her mother taught her...and her mother...and her mother.
wives have been marinated in the toxic thinking that "men only want one thing"...and as soon as they get it, they'll disappear.
have been taught skills they've been practicing ever since kindergarten. It's simply about self-protection and trying to maintain personal space, safety and, control of the situation.
here's another secret.
doesn't really WANT to do it and she wouldn't do if you weren't the kind of man who ALLOWS it to happen.
know. Ouch. But what's that mean?
What is it in a man that allows others to emasculate him?
It's a detachment from a pervasive, consistent sense of:
- Your personal honor, integrity and sovereignty
- Your inherent worthiness and value as a man in the world - including your sexuality and romantic desires
- Your ability to empower yourself to self-approve and
self-validate without feeling victimized by others who try to convince you otherwise
- Your spiritual sense of confidence and "chronic daily okayness"
When a woman KNOWS that YOU KNOW those things are absolute, her attempts to emasculate you become
And if you are currently dealing with emasculating behaviors in your marriage, your only effective response is to LEARN HOW TO KNOW better. This is the best (and only) way she will be able to stop trying her current coping tactics.
This is exactly why we created the How to Defuse the Divorce Bomb course and community.
We teach YOU to become a man who grins at all of the old thinking and old habits that had you feeling victimized by others.
Once YOU know who you really are, what you really value and where you're really going, everything and everyone around you changes.
That's a promise.
So, for Valentine's Day, we've once again created an offer you can't refuse. It's stupidly simple.