Are you in control of your emotional energy at all times or does it fluctuate depending on what other people do or say?
An easy way to know if you're leading is paying attention to the kinds of questions that you are asking
Are you asking questions in your head about her and the relationship that start with...
"If only she
would..." or "Why does she always have to..." or "Why doesn't she ever..."
Leading the emotional energy does not mean doing something to get her to loosen up and come closer to you or give you affection or sex.
Leading the emotional energy means that you deliberately choose HOW you will face today, how you will approach dealing with her or any challenges that you encounter.
Leading the emotional energy in your relationship means you don't need someone else to change first before you can be confident in yourself as a man who knows that he has a lot to offer the world and his
Leading the emotional energy is CHOOSING to come from your value and your power - who you really love to be as a man.
What is your power?
It's knowing that you are a man who CREATES what he
wants to experience in his life.
It's believing that you're a man who is worthy of love, connection and affection.
It's knowing the value of who you are and what you have to offer.
Do you know that?
I mean REALLY know that? In your bones?
If I asked you right now, could you tell me exactly WHY you are a man worthy of all the love you want to experience?
You have incredible gifts that people (especially the women in your life) love to receive from you.
When you know - TRULY KNOW - your value as a man, you will experience the power you have to create connection and intimacy wherever you go with anyone, anytime.
And when it happens to the men we coach, they say things like:
"I reclaimed myself! I rebooted my mind to grow and know my worth on my own without seeking approval from others (specifically my wife). Once you know your worth, you’ll be fine no matter what... no one can take that away from you (it's so
I am now more focused, fun, loving, confident, daring and calm… a better version of myself (even my wife said that... despite the fact that I’m clearly doing this for me first). House chores, cooking, doing groceries, RAISING KIDS, being sexual, sensual,
flirty - I'm no longer scared or tentative about how I do anything! I’m actually doing fantastic and I feel like I’m succeeding in everything I set my mind to. I know I will be okay no matter what happens.
This mountain lion
could not thank you enough."
We help men show up in their relationship with the energy of an unapologetically sexual man.
We help men stop caring how other people react to them and relax into just being the confident sensual man they've always been.
And the women in their lives LOVE it!
Yes, you could work on this by reading more books, watching more videos and listening to more podcasts...I'll see you here in a few years time (I did that for 10 years...10 years!!)
It took me deciding to reach out and connect with other initiated men who had walked this path before me to really start to make progress.
No more fear of rejection. No more caring if she reacts badly to your sexuality.
No more depending on other people's mood or behavior for you to have what you want.
At some point, you have to own what you want.
At some point, you have to own your role in creating that.
That is what we love to help men do.
We know exactly how you get in your own way. We know because we've been there and lived what you're going through.
We will hold you accountable to changing your life.
No more excuses.