The reason I pick those key words and phrases is because they are the thoughts already in your head. They are the words that get your attention and they are the words that worked on me.
The only reality I knew was that my sense of well-being, security and happiness was outside of me - in someone else's hands. I believed my only option was to learn how to control or manipulate those outside circumstances.
It turns out that was total BS and a total waste of time. I would never get what I wanted by trying to change my outside circumstances.
What I want you to know is that by changing your inside circumstances your perception of your outside circumstances changes almost immediately.
Your reality then changes too.
Yes, the objective facts haven't changed, but your relationship to those facts, your thoughts and the meaning you assign to those thoughts can all change your experience of what's happening.
This is the birthplace of your renewed sense of calmness, confidence and peace of mind. (aka. Mojo)
What are Inside Circumstances?
These are your thoughts. It's your understanding of how life and relationships really work. It's your deeper view into the cause of shame in women and men. And it's your realization that - at your core - you're actually okay.
Your inside
circumstances are the only true source of your calm, clear, confident sense of well-being. And that's a good thing because that's all you can actually influence.
That's what I needed to learn...even though it's NOT what I was Googling for.
So, I apologize for the little white lies, but it's the only way most men will start their journey - looking for something they don't really need. No matter how much we WANT something, it will never satisfy us if it's not what we need.
of the most powerful insights I've ever had is:
You can never get enough of what you don't really need.
Once a man begins to understand this at a deep level, the lights come by one. And by changing his perceptions he changes his emotions...which change his responses...which create outcomes he never imagined possible.
Good outcomes. I promise!