Hard question, I know. How about I give you ONE thing to consider. See if you can choose to believe this may be true.
Your ONLY purpose is very simple.
You are here to Live, Laugh and Love.
are things you control. These are things for you to create, to enjoy and then to share with others.
That's it. Seriously.
If you can accept that then
you'll also have to accept ownership for being the kind of man who OWNS this purpose.
Nobody...and I mean nobody else is responsible for you achieving that purpose.
Even in the darkness of living like a roommate with a cold, distant, dismissive, unaffectionate, disconnected and disrespectful wife this is true. (yep, those are the words most of us use constantly)
LIVING means you own the process of creating connections with others
and creating experiences that make you feel alive and significant. (even if your wife isn't interested)
LAUGHING means you own the process of finding the humor in yourself and your experience of living. It's finding your heartbeat of curiosity and amusement with how things work and how people
are. (it's like the trick of pulling the curtain back in the Wizard of Oz...that silly old man!)
LOVING means you own the process of giving yourself to others. It means giving your inherent manly values of grace and love. Marriages are not where men go to find's
where they go to learn how to love. (sometimes like a friggin' boot camp) And "loving" is a place to come from...not a place to get to. It only comes back to us when we give it without expectations (mastering this is a key focus of our coaching programs)
There you go.
Simple, but obviously not "easy".
It requires a change of THINKING and then a change in how you are BEING.
I want more than anything in this world to help you with that change.
This is MUCH easier with other high quality men in your life who believe in you perhaps more than you believe in yourself at the moment.
I want to invite you to join some incredibly amazing men who have walked in your shoes - or are walking in them now.
Members of this tribe include me, my colleague Dan Dore and our certified coaches who are there to help you find your feet again.
The membership is a monthly cost of $69 which you can cancel anytime you want.
When you become a member of this Roundtable, you will get:
- Membership into a private tribe of brothers who care about you
colleague, Dan Dore and I and other GG2GM coaches.
- A password to a private web page with all the session recordings (past five years as well!), reading resources, personal challenge assignments and a running list of frequently asked questions with our written answers.
- Membership into an exclusive and
secret Facebook community with just Roundtable members. More support is provided here 24/7.
- Exclusive access to our team of coaches who are available to talk with you privately when you need it.
Click THIS LINK and scroll to the bottom and sign up.
promise you that this group of open hearted, initiated men will welcome you with wide open arms.
And some other options we have to help you get out of these confusing, difficult feelings you're struggling with are: