In the video I talked about the kinds of things women can do to make YOU want to run for the hills.
It's that constant aggressive, loud, nagging, disappointed, disapproving, urgent pressure to do something you're not doing or to be someone you're not being. They are "just trying to help" or "just trying to see if you care".
It feels awful and there's just no amount of "communication" that's going to fix it in the moment. All you can do is try to ESCAPE it.
Yeah, that.
That's exactly how some women feel when we are "just being the way we are".
Why do some guys apply a similar kind of pressure to women?
Why do we sometimes express a constant nagging energy of impatience, urgency, neediness, anger, criticism, poutiness, disapproval and/or disappointment?
Sometimes it's just being loud, aggressive or dominant. Sometimes it just in the way we close the front door!
I can't speak for you, but I can speak for me.
It ALWAYS came from an underlying, insidious insecurity.
Insecurity feels like a nervous inner vibration of self-doubt, inadequacy and fear of the unknown.
The "cure" to my insecurity - and probably yours - is to directly face those hidden childhood shadows of feeling weak, abandoned, unloved and dependent on external validation.
I'm talking about intentionally exposing them, talking about them, sharing them, laughing about them and acknowledging the guilt of hurting others.
Sounds like fun, right? It actually IS when you're doing it with other men just like you.
It's positively liberating to detach from the grip of unresolved, boyhood crap and starting living in the skin of a cool, calm, confident and self-reliant MAN.
This is where you find out you've being TRYING TOO HARD to get your needs met.
You've been trying to engineer outcomes through your expectations instead of simply creating connection by sharing your secure, healthy masculine value.
When you release your insecure expectations of how others should treat you, you finally RELAX into the security of knowing who you are...and
liking that. A lot.
A really simple way to get started immediately is to join Dan Dore and I in the Goodguys2Greatmen Live Coaching Roundtable. Click on that link for information and registration. One member recently sent me this email:
"Without this group and your videos I would probably still be the old insecure “child” around my wife. I am doing better and now can engage her on a level field and not care what she thinks about me, and still be compassionate with her. Thanks for being a life-changer!" (Mike C.)
We love teaching men these tools - how to be better, how to know who you are, what you stand for, what you want and how to CREATE it in your life through our Masculine Confidence coaching programs.
We're here to guide you on this mission.
If you want to become a man who knows and trusts himself to create the life and love he wants, apply for a free consultation
call right now. We guarantee you'll feel a whole lot better by the end of our