"The secret to ending suffering is realizing that we can never get enough of what we don't really need to be happy."
When a man finally figures this out, his energy changes. He focuses on improving himself, his attitude, his mission and his mojo.
He is already full - already happy. Not "suffering" in the least.
He doesn't wish he had more - he is determined to simply BE BETTER.
Guess what?
That's the guy who ends up getting what he wants. What he desires
finds him - he doesn't need to go searching for it.
I know - I'm getting woo-woo again.
Bottom Line
When you stop frantically
pursuing the objects of your desire and learn how they are attracted, it's a helluva lot LESS WORK.
This is what I teach men.
How would you like ONE FREE HOUR of coaching to talk about getting what you want?
Here's your first step...go HERE to apply for a Free "No More Suffering" coaching
call to learn exactly how you can start changing things tomorrow.
Are you ready to join a group of like-minded men who truly get the suffering that you've been dealing with? Men who want to support you on becoming the best man, husband, father and lover you can be - join us in the Men's Roundtable here. It's a simple, straight-forward conversational setting for men like you to share their challenges, ask questions and leverage the experience and wisdom of everyone
in the room.
As Teddy Roosevelt said:
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”
I simply LOVE doing this work with men because it lights up my life to watch you charge back into your life with a grin on your face and swagger in your step.
Lotta love brother,