P.S. Here's a common question we get about the course. (You can find more at the bottom of the info page)
Question: What is your "success rate" for this course, I mean, how many guys actually save their marriage using your advice?
Answer: First of all, there are many factors that determine whether or not a couple can find their way back to a healthy, mutual, loving, respectful and intimate relationship. Nobody can promise you any certain success rate in creating the loving, healthy relationship you want. Nobody. And don't believe anyone who tries.
Secondly, this is the wrong question. Why? Because we know for a fact you aren't here to "save" the current version of your marriage. You want to stay married AND have more confidence, connection, intimacy, and passion than you have in the last few years. As men's coaches focused strictly on helping men become stronger, more confident husbands and leaders we can promise you something
There is NO POSSIBLE WAY your marriage will survive and thrive unless you become a SECURE, CALM, CONFIDENT and CLEAR HEADED MAN who knows who he is, what he really wants, and where he wants to take his life. It's the relentless and desperate focus on "saving a relationship" that ruins most relationships!
We can promise you this course is your best option in the world to achieve this because we have a solid 8-year track record in coaching men exactly like you. Our process and our philosophy are unmatched in this field.
What are the chances of you becoming a wildly happy, confident, secure, outcome-independent, and self-reliant man who loves himself and his life?
About 99%.
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