My name is Garrett Prettyman. I'm a Goodguys2Greatmen certified coach and this is the second in my series of SIX dangerously effective marriage-saving secrets. I help extraordinary men create long-lasting love, deeper connection, intimacy, respect, and authentic affection through personalized masculine confidence coaching. These secrets are
field-tested. They'll bring lasting positive change in your relationships.
Secret #2: Pressure - The Silent And Deadly Marriage-Killer (Click HERE to see Secret #1)
Tom's head was
The last 20 minutes with his wife Jessica had gone horribly wrong.
They were on a quick weekend vacation.
She seemed a little "off" at the hotel that morning.
On the drive home, something imploded in her.
"I don't feel appreciated or loved by you...I need you to give me more verbal affirmation", Jessica
Tom thought to himself, "Well if you want to be told you're sweet maybe you should act sweet".
Even though he didn't say this out loud, Jessica could sense his critical thoughts.
"But I do love you. Just look at all I do for us to have a nice house and dependable
income. I'm always nice to you and have never hit you or done anything abusive", Tom argued.
"You never kiss me unless we're having sex", Jessica snapped back.
Lately, this was true.
Jessica had put on a few
She had been getting more cranky and moody.
Tom didn't like it.
He felt kisses and praise would be rewarding her behaviors he didn't like.
He tried to spin the blame back on her.
Tom said, "Ok fine. I'll stop kissing during sex if you don't like it."
"That's not the point. Just, never mind. You never get it!!", she replied.
Jessica was crying now. She turned away and refused to
Tom felt stumped.
Now what?
I know firsthand how frustrating it feels when you genuinely don't know what to do next.
There were many points in my marriage when I didn't know what was happening.
My wife would spiral out, and I couldn't make any sense of it.
I was oblivious to how I had been adding pressure to the relationship.
I explain 3 things you can do today (before dinner) to remove pressure from
your wife in this video.